MOBC Membership Levels and FREE REGISTRATION


MOBC Membership Levels and FREE REGISTRATION

from $0.00
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PLEASE NOTE, your membership is NOT valid until you complete the Google form linked on your receipt. Thank you for your support!

IMPORTANT! When selecting membership level, please ALSO choose the corresponding membership level form from the drop-down menu!



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Sponsorship Benefit: concert program listing


SONATA - $125 

Sponsorship Benefit: concert program listing, 1 yard sign of your choice and 2 luggage tags



Sponsorship Benefit: concert program listing, 2 VIP reserved seats for Fall and Spring concerts, ½ page Student Tribute ad in concert program (hardcopy and digital), 1 yard sign of your choice and 1 car magnet. SENIORS ONLY - Can upgrade tribute page to full page for an additional $50



Sponsorship Benefit: concert program listing, up to 4 VIP reserved seats at Fall and Spring concerts, ½ page Student Tribute ad in concert program (hardcopy and digital), 1 T-Shirt and 1 yard sign of your choice. SENIORS ONLY - Can upgrade tribute page to full page for an additional $50


VIRTUOSO - $500 

Sponsorship Benefit: concert program listing, up to 6 VIP reserved seats at fall and spring concerts, 1 VIP parking space at Fall and Spring concerts, full page Student Tribute ad in concert program (hardcopy and digital), 1 Sweatshirt or PJ bottoms of your choice, 1 yard sign of your choice and 2 luggage tags.